Help your employees to effortlessly increase their effectiveness


Team Effectiveness - Accelerating forward

Teamworking efficiency

The third in the series of Team Effectiveness workshops, Accelerating Forward, seeks to introduce more advanced tools and techniques to assist delegates to increase their contribution towards the organisation's success. They will be encouraged to consider ways to add value to their team's role within the organisation and to push themselves out of their comfort zone. This workshop may be considered suitable for all delegates who have attended the previous workshop or it may be reserved for high performers. Workshop content will be tailored to the organisation but could include tools and techniques such as:

  • Commitment Planning
  • Effort v Impact
  • IGOEs
  • Project Management techniques
  • Swim Lane Mapping
  • Issues v Risks
  • Peer SWOT
  • The Learning Library
  • Others as agreed

This is a 1 or 2 day workshop, depending on content

This workshop completes the Team Effectiveness workshop programme. Follow Up activities may be appropriate for individuals, groups of individuals or teams.


If you would like to find out how your teams could work together more efficiently, please contact us:

e mail:
Tel: 07766 56 52 35
Tel: 02380 135922